
New publication on future groundwater depletion and sea-level rise (Check out the AGU Press Release)
The following paper was published on the effect of future groundwater depletion on global sea-level rise: Wada, Y., L.P.H. van Beek, F.C. Sperna Weiland, B.F. Chao, Y.-H. Wu, and M.F.P. Bierkens ,2012., Past and future contribution of global groundwater depletion to sea-level rise, Geophysical Research Letters 39, L09402. Check out the press release by AGU!
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See us at EGU2012!
The following papers will be presented at the next EGU meeting in Vienna, from Monday 23th of April to Friday 27th of April Oral Programme Mon, 23 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room 38 15:30–15:45 EGU2012-2055 Non-sustainable groundwater sustaining irrigation – a global assessment Y. Wada, L.P.H. van Beek, and M.F.P. Bierkens Oral Programme Mon, 23 Apr,…
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New paper on transboundary aquifers and groundwater stress
Yohihide wada published a new paper in Environmental Research Letters entitled: Assessment of transboundary aquifers of the world—vulnerability arising from human water use Yoshihide Wada and Lena Heinrich 2013 Environmental Research Letters 8, 024003.
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Our global hydrology papers at EGU 2013
Many of us are at EGU 2013 next week. Come and see the global hydrology and large-scale hydrology contributions from our group: CL0 Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future Orals Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–12:00 / Room Y6 09:15–09:30 EGU2013-11770 How climate change will exacerbate global water scarcity Jacob Schewe, Jens Heinke, Dieter Gerten, Ingjerd…
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New publications: one about changes in global hydrology due to climate change and one about the role of evaporation
Sperna Weiland, F. C., L.P.H. van Beek, J.C.J Kwadijk and M.F.P. Bierkens, 2012. Global patterns of change in discharge regimes for 2100. Hydrology and Earth System Science 16, 1047-1062. Sperna Weiland, F.C., C. Tisseuil, H.H. Dürr, M. Vrac, and L.P.H. van Beek, 2012. Selecting the optimal method to calculate daily global reference potential evaporation from CFSR reanalysis data for application in a hydrological model study, Hydrology and Earth System Science 16, 983-1000.
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New publications: on ensemble averaging and why global hydrology matters
Sperna Weiland, F.C., L.P.H. van Beek, A.H. Weerts and M.F.P. Bierkens, 2012. Extracting information from an ensemble of GCMs to reliably assess future global runoff change. Journal of Hydrology 412–413, 66-75. Sperna-Weiland, F. C., L. P. H. van Beek, J. C. J. Kwadijk and M. F. P. Bierkens, 2012. On the Suitability of GCM Runoff Fields for River Discharge…
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Two new publications about global water stress and groundwater depletion
The following publications just came out: Wada, Y., L. P. H. van Beek and M. F. P. Bierkens, 2011. Modelling global water stress of the recent past: on the relative importance of trends in water demand and climate variability. Hydrology Earth System Sciences, 15, 3785-3808, doi:10.5194/hess-15-3785-2011. Wada, Y., L. P. H. van Beek and M. F. P….
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Dear Visitor, Welcome to tour website devoted to global-scale Hydrology. We present research on global hydrology as conducted by our Earth Surface Hydrologygroup at Utrecht University. We conduct this research in close co-operation with Deltares. Global-scale hydrology concentrates on the role of the terrestrial hydrological cycle in System Earth. In particular it focuses on the role of climate variability…
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Review and visionary paper by Lex Bouwman co-authored by members of our group
Prof Lex Bouwman of the Netherlands Environmental Agency and the Geochemistry group of Utrecht University published a paper in Biogeosciences, reviewing the various approaches used to model local to global scale nutrient dynamics in rivers, lakes and wetlands as well various river ecological concepts to describe the impact of disturbances on aquatic ecosystems. He proposes to…
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