
Human and climate impacts on the 21st century hydrological drought
Niko Wanders and Yoshihide Wada published a paper in the Journal of Hydrology where they analyzed which part of the expected future hydrological drouht can be attributed to climate change and which part to human water consumption. The paper: N. Wanders and Y. Wada, 2014. Human and climate impacts on the 21st century hydrological drought, Journal of Hydrology…
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30% of global water use is non-sustainable
Using a newly developed index and our group’s global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB Yoshi Wada and Marc Bierkens assessed the amount of groundwater consumption coming from non-renewable sources as well as the amount of surface water consumption exceeding environmental flow limits. They calculated that this non-sustainable blue water use exceeds 30% of the current water consumption and that this number will rise…
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Cool movie with PCR-GLOBWB 2.0
NEW: a nice movie with output from PCR-GLOWB 2.0: 30 years of simulation at 5 minute resolution and daily time step. Shown are monthly averages of 1) upper left: soil moiture (0-30 cm); upper right: discharge (m3/s), lower left: snow cover fraction; lower right: : soil moiture (0-30 cm). This movie was rendered at the eScienceCenter.
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Nature Geoscience commentary: Wedge approach to water stress
Yoshihide Wada of the Earth Surface Hydrology group co-authored a commentary in Nature Geoscience, arguing that the wedge approach proposed for evaluating carbon mitigation policies is also suitable to evaluate policies to avoid future water stress. See the commentary at: Wada, T., T. Gleeson and L. Esnault, 2014. Wedge approach to water stress. Nature Geoscience 7, 615-617. See also the article in Space…
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RS soil moisture helps to calibrate large-scale hydrological models
In addition to discharge observations, remotely sensed soil moisture estimates improve the calibration of large-scale hydrological models as shown by Niko Wanders in a recent publication in Water Resources Research. In this paper a dual state-parameter Ensemble Kalman Filter is used to calibrate the hydrological model LISFLOOD for the Upper Danube. Calibration is done using discharge and remotely…
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We are at GEWEX 2014 conference; Trending now: Water
Group members will be present on the 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle in the Hague. Marc Bierkens: session chair in Everest I and II on monday July 14 15:30-17:30 Edwin Sutanudjaja: talk in Wolrd Forum theater: tuesday july 15 11:15-11:30. Posters Monday: Patricia Lopez (9-14); Nick van de Giesen/Edwin Sutanudjaja/Marc Bierkens (9-25) Tuesday:…
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On the Cover of the Rolling Stone!
We got a on Nature Climate Change. Photo by Alan Pope. For the paper see:
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Contribution to GFDRR report and policy note on “understanding risk”
Our group contributed to the report and policy note Understanding Risk: the Evolution of Disaster Risk Assessment issued by the GLOBAL FACILITY FOR DISASTER REDUCTION AND RECOVERY and paid for by World Bank. Our contribution, a case study (Bangladesh) and an example of the GLOFRIS framework, was lead by VU University in co-operation with Deltares and PBL….
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Nature Climate Change: Increasing Himalayan runoff in the coming decades
A study in Nature Climate change by Arthur Lutz et al. (including scientists from Utrecht University, FutureWater and ICIMOD) confirmed earlier findings in two smaller catchments across the entire Himalayas and Hindu Kush: runoff will increase during the 21st century due to increasing precipitation and glacier melt. See: ICIMOD press release UU pres release (in Dutch)
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Movie about Himalayan water research
Please inspect this very cool movie about the Himalayan water research done by some of our group members:
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